Artist Name: Murda Horse
Album Name: 'Squat Rotter'
Album Name: 'Squat Rotter'
Format: Ep 6 tracks - MP3 320Kbps 65.9MB
Released:by Splatterkore Reck-ords on the New Moon of 15th October 2012.
1. Squat Rotter (7:09)
2. Do They Owe Us A Living [remix] (3:57)
3. Patriot (5:01)
4. Ultramessheadfuckingviolence (2:41)
5. ACAC [remix] (3:53)
6. Absolute Power (8:11)
Release Description
Thank you for downloading my debut release!
The tracks on this EP were made at different times between 2009 and 2012 by me.
With thanks to Tom Owen for the mastering ( and Pogger for the cover artwork (
My utmost respect goes to the bands which I have sampled to make the tracks on this EP.
Check them out and buy their music coz they are all awesome.
In order of appearance: Dystopia, Crass, Armed Response Unit, Dropdead, Duke Nukem Forever, F-minus, Infest, Charles Bronson, Nausea, Hard Skin, Retcher.
And just to clarify, track 6 features some shit that Alex Jones said. I'm not actually a fan of Alex Jones or anything he says.
Shoutouts to Rob Tunstall @ Earblender, Zoe & Chris @ Splatterkore, and Adam Moore for getting me into most of the above bands.
Finally, this release is subject to a Creative Commons attribution non-commercial share alike licence.
You may copy and share it as much as you want.
You may even remix it, as long as you attribute the original artist (me + the relevant bands), do not charge money for it, and distribute it under the same terms.
For more info on CC Licensing as an alternative to restrictive copyright, go to
- Words from Murda Horse
(If you want me to come and make some noise at your night please send me a message on either of those.)
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