Wanna Work With Splatterkore?

Wanna be part of a DIY volunteer based underground enterprise?

We are getting to the point where we need some extra work force & are looking to get some more people involved as core members of the tribe :)

Below are a list of "Jobs" that we want people to help us with.

If your interested in any of them, or can help us out in any way, please contact booking@splatterkore.co.uk to chat about it in more detail :)

Welcome To The Network!!!!!

Forum Administrator

Code: SK-J-001
Wage: Non-Profit

We are looking for somebody to take control of administration and online promotion of the Splatterkore Network forum. You will be responsible for managing all aspects of the forum as well as making changes where necessary and initiating developments. Other duties may include, finding ways to increase traffic, meta-tagging, and general online promotion and conscription. The ideal candidate would be someone experienced in forum admin, with an interest in becoming part of an underground DIY non-profit enterprise. You may be required to attend national Splatterkore meetings, to discuss the evolution of the organisation and your part in it.

Mailing List Administrator / Editor

Code: SK-J-002
Wage: Non-Profit
Location: ANYWHERE

We are looking for somebody to design and assemble our monthly newsletter, which will be sent out to our mailing list, and posted on our website. You will be responsible for editing minutes taken at Splatterkore meetings, and condensing them into a structured newsletter, which will then be sent out through a mailing list provider, or HTML based email. You will be responsible not only for the composition and content of the newsletter, but also for its administration and delivery. The ideal candidate would be somebody with a unique creative writing style, who is familiar with the themes and interests of Splatterkore, and has an interest in becoming part of an underground DIY ‘collective based’ organization. You may be required to attend national Splatterkore meetings, to discuss the evolution of the organization and your part in it.

Digital Photographer

Code: SK-J-003
Wage: Non-Profit (Expenses can be negotiated)
Hours: 1 DAY / NIGHT
Location: LONDON (TBC)

We are looking for an experienced digital photographer, to take photos for a promotional photo-shoot for Splatterkore Reck-ords and the Terror Tribe. You will be encouraged to think of photo ideas of your own, as well as discuss what the artists and activists would like. The ideal candidate would be a creative individual, who is familiar with the themes and interests of Splatterkore, and has an interest in becoming part of an underground DIY ‘collective based’ organization. You must have your own photography equipment, or be willing to find some for the shoot. The photo-shoot is likely to take one day, which can be arranged around you, and more work may arise in the future. Expenses and arrangements can be negotiated.

Video Producer / Editor

Code: SK-J-004
Wage: Non-Profit (Expenses can be negotiated)
Hours: TBC
Location: TBC

We are looking for an experienced video producer, to film and produce a series of promotional videos for Splatterkore Reck-ords. Currently, the workload will be; one general promo video for the record label, and one music video to feature on the release of the new album from our speedcore artist, Junkie Kut. The ideal candidate would be a creative individual, who is familiar with the themes and interests of Splatterkore, and has an interest in becoming part of an underground DIY ‘collective based’ organization. You must have your own video equipment, and the necessary computer software for pre and post production. Because of the nature of this position, the hours, date and location are open to discussion and can be arranged around you, and expenses and arrangements can be negotiated. You may be required to attend Splatterkore meetings, to discuss ideas for future video projects and how you may be able to get involved.

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